Tauchen Bali Livingseas

Animal Welfare

Animal Support Padang Bai

“Helping the ones
with no Voice”

We are a small group of locals and expats working together to help animals that nobody cares about – as private individuals – in our spare time. We are not an animal shelter or a rescue centre. We help where it is most needed and we do it out of conviction. Our most important concern is the sterilisation of dogs and cats in Padang Bai to prevent further suffering caused by unwanted animals.

The people here often lack the necessary financial resources. And this is exactly where Animal Support Padang Bai steps in and organises free sterilisation and vaccination days.

Are you in and want to help?

Click here for our Facebook page


The idea that some lives are worth less is the root of all evil in this world.
Dr. Paul Farmer

It is difficult without your support.

We depend on donations

https://www.paypal.com/de/home animalspadangbai@gmail.com



WISE account: claudia@livingseas.asia

We help where we can, but are not able to cover the costs alone. Urgently needed medication, parasite treatment and sterilisation days cost money.

The number of animals that each of us has now taken into our homes requires food and vaccinations. Not to mention hospitalisation and emergencies. We are on the ground and do everything we can to prevent suffering.

If you have a heart for animals and would like to help us continue this important work for those who HAVE NO VOICE, we welcome any contribution.


We look forward to your message!
Also WhatsApp: